Patent Number / Registration Number: 1-2001-001000
Status of Application: Granted
Agency: Forest Products Research and Development Institute
Field / Industry: Construction / Housing
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
The present invention relates to a collapsible shelter comprising a central core being defined by an interconnected pair of side walls, bottom wall, and gable-like top wall thereof, a pair of opposing roof panels pivotally connected to said top wall, a pair of similarly opposing floor panels pivotally connected to said bottom wall, at least one post provided at the free corners of each of said roof panels, a pair of retractable side panels pivotally secured to each side walls, and a front panel being provided to the free sides of said side panels.
Problem Addressed:
To provide a compact and collapsible shelter that can be used as a temporary refuge for displaced families; it can also be used as storage facility of depot.
Collapsible shelter that can easily be assembled or disassembled and transferred from one place to another.
Florence Pascua – Soriano
Thomas Rolan E. Rondero
Claro R. Cariño