Dedicated to enrich knowledge and raise regard for intellectual property (IP) valuation, in-house valuation experts from the Invention Development Division (IDD) of the Department of Science and Technology-Technology Application and Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI) commenced a series of training-workshops on technology valuation among professionals in the technology transfer and licensing sector.
With its participants coming from the government and the academe, the trainings serve as an orientation on the basics of IP valuation, covering its significance for both technology licensing officers and investors, advantages for technology commercialization, while also touching on the valuation methods: cost, market, income, and hybrid.
TAPI-IDD Division Chief Atty. Marion Ivy D. Decena leads the roster of resource persons for the training-workshops, along with the rest of the division’s valuation experts Mr. Caezar Angelito Arceo, Ms. Mechelle D. Balboa, Ms. Glenda C. Rima, Engr. Richelle C. Malaay, and Mr. Clifford Glenn D. Malaay. The training is a supplement to the IP Valuation Manual which was also authored by the IDD valuators and published last 2020.
“We are optimistic that the trainings on IP valuation will not only strengthen the expertise of technology transfer officials and institutions, but we believe it can contribute to a more productive technology transfer ecosystem where the real value of IPs are realized,” Atty. Decena said.

During the first segment of the IP valuation training facilitated by DOST-NCR FOB last December 9, Atty. Marion Decena started the discussions by emphasizing to the participants the need to value IP.
The team recently conducted an IP Valuation Training last December 9 in partnership with DOST-National Capital Region Fairness Opinion Board (NCR-FOB) secretariat. The training was divided into four major segments including an overview of IP valuation, the five Ps of IP valuation (protection, purpose, premium, product, and prices), and conducting valuation (cost, market, income, and hybrid methods).

TAPI-IDD SRS II Ms. Glenda Rima provided an overview of the four valuation methods during the training in December 9.
The participants comprised of professors, as well as officers from technology transfer, business development, and intellectual property units of various colleges and universities in NCR including University of the Philippines, Rizal Technological University, and Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

TAPI-IDD Supervising SRS Mr. Caezar Arceo and Senior SRS Ms. Mechelle Balboa led the discussion of the five Ps of IP Valuation during the training session with Region 1 last November 25.
Prior to this, the resource persons granted a request from the Ilocos Consortium for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (ICIEERD) to conduct a training on the subject matter last November 25. The virtual activity was attended by around 30 participants from state universities and colleges from Region 1. Most of the trainees specialized on the research and business development affairs of their respective institutions.

In the training session last November 25, TAPI-IDD SRS II Mr. Clifford Malaay and Engr. Richelle Malaay supported the discussion on valuing IP with important notes on its significance as well as additional tips.
The in-house valuation experts of TAPI-IDD are set to conduct their first IP Valuation Training for 2021 on February 24 to March 01 and 18 which will be hosted by the DOST Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD).
IDD S&T Media Service