The Technology Application and Promotion Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-TAPI) is conducted a two-day capability building on technology licensing last 7 – 8 June 2018 at the Luzon at A. Venue Hotel, Makati City.

On the first day of the training, DOST-TAPI Director Edgar I. Garcia highlighted the importance of technology licensing in the transfer and commercialization of technologies during his opening remarks.

Atty. Maria Gladys Vilchez of Hechanova Bugay Vichez & Andaya-Racadio Law Firm discussed the identification of IPR and IP inventory.

Further, an orientation on Plant Variety Protection (PVP) was presented by Ms. Elvira D. Morales, Senior Agriculturist of Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO).

On the second day of the program, a lecture on IP Valuation for purpose of technology transfer was presented by Atty. Rowanie A. Nakan of Cruz Marcelo Tenefracia Law Firm.

Atty. Lucieden G. Raz, Project Consultant of DOST- Technology Licensing Office Program presented the technology licensing agreement (TLA), technology transfer methods, the technology transfer law and IP policies during the second day of the program.

And then Atty. Elizabeth R. Pulumbarit Director for Paralegal Training Program of UP Law Center presented the art of negotiating in technology transfer.

Director Edgar I. Garcia and Atty. Marion Ivy D. Decena awards Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Elvira D. Morales, Senior Agriculturist from the Plant Variety Protection Office, who gave an orientation on Plant Variety Protection.