Hybrid Electric Train

Name of Technology: Hybrid Electric Train

Field/Industry: Transportation/Transport Sector

Patent Number/ Registration Number: 3-2016-001429

Status of Application: On – going

Brief Description/Features of the Technology: 

The Hybrid Electric Train is a diesel-electric powered railway transport and uses regenerative braking system compared to current PNR trains which is using diesel fuel.  The HET uses less than 30% fuel thus reducing nitrogen oxides and cut particulate matter.

Problem Addressed:                                              

Strengthening capability on transportation technology building.


  • Wide automatic sliding doors
  • Fully air-conditioned cabins
  • Reliable and high-speed interconnection control system through CC-Link Open Network System
  • Additional safety features:
  • deadman’s switch
  • speed control buttons on HMI hardwired emergency switch

Market Potential/Application:

Mass Transport Fabricators and distributors, General Public.


Robert O. Dizon

Jonathan Q. Puerto

Rodnel O. Tamayo

Pablo Q. Acuin

Glen D. Espeña