Patent Number / Registration Number: 1-2012-000193
Status of Application: On – going
Brief Description of the technology:
The diagnostic kit developed for the detection of abaca bunchy top virus (ABTV) is based on the principle of dot-ELISA (Enzyme Link Immunosorbent Assay). The primary component of the diagnostic kit is the antiserum generated to specifically detect the presence of the virus. The generated antibody can detect infection in the lowest concentration. The activity and sensitivity of the generated antisera are comparable to that of the commercial kit and its effectiveness in identifying ABTV-free and ABTV-positive plants has to be confirmed.
Target Beneficiaries: Abaca Farmers, Producers, Researchers/Extension workers and Plant Certification Body
- Abaca Farmers
- Producers
- Researchers / Extension workers
- Plant Certification Body
Contact Details: PCAARRD