Field / Industry: M&E Industry
Patent Number / Registration Number: 1-2015-000406
Status of Application: On – going
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
A load transport system lifter having the following characteristics: a lift platform connected to a double-acting ratchet-scissor type jack that has a lifting mechanism which is manually operated by applying a torque to a ratchet type lever arm which is then transferred to a drive system which then runs the double-acting ratchet-scissor type jack through a drive system.
Problem Addressed:
Fluid leak, height lift per turn
Doubling the efficiency of an ordinary screw type lifter in terms of the rate height raised per turn.
Market Potential / Application:
Automotive maintenance, Warehousing and Cargo.
Francisco C. Dime
Jonathan Q. Puerto
Fred P. Liza
Ryan C. Clavecillas
Gharry M. Bathan
Marita Natividad T. De Lumen