Patent Number/ Registration Number: 16273
Status of Application: Expired
Agency: Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI)
Field /Industry: Energy
Brief Description/Features of the Technology:
A machine for converting sawdusts, rice hulls and other carbonaceous fine materials by the direct-fire method into smoke-free charcoal suitable for the manufacture of charcoal briquettes, installed in an inclined position to facilitate the downward flow of the fine materials, comprising of a hopper located at the top, a rectangular trough for the carbonization of the fine materials, a swing-type plate to cover the trough, a firebox for setting a fire to preheat the trough and dry the thin layer of the fine materials inside the trough making ignition easy, a charcoal receiver with a cover for cooling the carbonized materials, and a support to hold firmly the machine in an inclined position.
Calvin P. Estudillo
Cesar M. Mamino
Elmo E. San Pedro
Wilson G. Toroy
Roberto R. Cabral
Leonida P. Briones