Assignee / Owner: University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
Field / Industry: Plant breeding / Plant biotechnology
Patent Number / Registration Nunmber: 1-2008-000215
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the technology:
The technology refers to a eukaryotic gene from the Philippine Davao Solo papaya that once successfully introduced into the papaya genome via transformation will confer delayed ripening characteristics and other useful postharvest properties related thereto.
Problem Addressed:
The two most important qualities required for effective marketing of papaya are the taste and appearance of the fruit. These qualities are determined mainly by the rate of fruit ripening. However, papaya deteriorates quickly after harvest because of poor storage conditions and susceptibility to diseases. The papaya fruit has a normal shelf life of 10-14 days after harvest. Losses due to postharvest diseases in some species reach up to about 60% of the annual production. If export papayas are wanted, varieties with a longer shelflife should be developed.
An extended ripening phase brought about by the introduction of the gene with delayed-ripening characteristics from the Philippine Davao Solo papaya would prolong the fruit’s shelf-life, thus allowing it to be shipped to distant markets without spoilage.
Market Potential / Application:
Delayed ripening increases the chance of producing high quality papayas for both the domestic and world markets.
Pablito Magdalita
Ma. Teresa M. Perez
Renelle Z. Comia
Antonio C. Laurena