Name of Technology: Sambong Tablet
Field / Industry: Pharmaceutical
Patent Number / Registration Number: 1-1997-57575
Status of Application: Granted
Patent Title: Herbal Composition and Use Thereof
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
Pharmaceutical preparation in 250mg or 500 mg tablet form from Sambong leaves, the indication for this product is as anti-urolithiasis in patients with urinary tract stones with normal kidney function. Also as a diuretic in patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure and edema
Problem Addressed:
Urinary tract stones and as diuretic for patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure and edema
As diuretic, it performs the function without depleting the patient of potassium, unlike some synthetic drugs.
Market Potential / Application:
This product is already commercialized.
Nelia P. Cortes – Maramba
Jaime Purificacion
Dina De Leon
Ramon R. Miranda
Ma. Carmencita C. Molina
Helen S. Sigua
Romeo Obsequio
Cecilia Zamora
Ferdinand R. Rico
Carmen P. Castañeda
Mariano Young
Romeo F. Quijano
Horacio R. Estrada
Clara Lim – Syliangco
Leticia Barbara Gutierrez
Natividad De Castro
Ernesta Quintana
Fabian Dayrit
Ariel Vergel De – Dios