Field / Industry: Laboratory
Patent Number / Registration Number: 1-2015-000436
Status of Application: On – going
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
The invention relates in general to shaking laboratory aqueous solution and/or an aqueous solution combined with immiscible organic solvent but more particularly to a method and apparatus to shake funnel for laboratory testing. The base is fixed and supports the vertical movement of the shaker. The shaker employs a varying speed electric motor to accommodate different laboratory protocols.
Problem Addressed:
This shaker eliminates time consuming and tiring shaking of large vessels by hand
Faster processing
Allan John S. Limson,
Jonathan Q. Puerto,
Robert O. Dizon,
Fred P. Liza,
Francisco C. Dime,
Joein L. Luces,
Marita Natividad T. De Lumen