Field/Industry: Transportation, Energy, M&E Industry
Request Reference Number: IPR 2016-0203-02
Problem Addressed: Mass Transportation
Advantages: Economical Equipment for Fabrication
Brief Description/Features of the Technology:
Urban transport has posed national challenges that need to be addressed through harnessing locally-available technology. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through the Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) developed the hybrid Road Train. Its eventual adoption will provide hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) technology leading to capability advancement and competitiveness of HEV production in the country. The use of CRT reduces operational costs and pollutant emissions, hence, a technological solution to a broad range of urban transportation concerns.
Rio S. Pagtalunan,
Rommel N. Coroña,
Arlene G. Estacio,
Christian Glenn S. Ligon,
Christian M. Ibañez,
Franz Joseph D. Libao
Alvin M. Buison
Jorge Arbie V. Garcia
Elljay P. Mutuc,
Godfreyson J. Nardo,
Alexander Argame Jr.
Market Potential/Application:
Vehicle (Bus, Train) Manufacturers, Metal Parts Fabricators, Battery
Manufacturers, Transport Group/Locator or Provider, LGUs or other Government services institutions/provider