Assignee / Owner: Capiz State University (CapSU)
Field / Industry: Animal Health
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2015-000500
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
The technology relates to anthelmintic or deworming composition for chicken. More specifically, the technology relates to ethnobotanical composition for native chicken, said composition comprising seeds of mature betel (Areca catechu) in powder form. It is a deworming composition which is effective against egg and adult parasites, in particular roundworms and tapeworms.
Problem Addressed:
- “The prevalence of internal parasitism in native chicken throughout the tropics and elsewhere is recognized as a major constraint to livestock production (Giothion, et ai, 2004). Internal parasites can severely reduce the productivity of poultry and cause mortality in the most severe cases. Poultry are infected by a number of internal parasites such as ascaridia or poultry intestinal round worms, 20 cecal worms, capillary worms, gapeworms and tapeworms. According to the Missisippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station of the University of Missisippi, ( August 21,2014), one of the most common parasitic roundworms of poultry (Ascaridia gal/I) occurs in chickens and 25 turkeys. Heavily infected birds may show lack of energy, emaciation and diarrhea.
- The primary damage is reduced efficiency of feed utilization, but death has been observed in severe infections.
- Since the disease is prevalent in developing countries where traditional medicine is largely depended upon, studies on plant seeds for anthelmintic activity is aggressively undertaken.”
- Areca catechu or betel nut or bunga is a species of palm grown mainly in Asian countries, like the Philippines for seed crop. The chemical constituents of A. Catechu have been investigated for, among others, anti-nematicidal/ helmintic. The seed contains several alkaloids belonging to the pyridine group. Most important of them physiologically is arecoline (Chu, 2001), which is known and used medicinally as anthelmintic.
- Based on studies, betel nut anthelmintics are comparable to the expensive commercial dewormers in terms of efficacy. It is also cheaper in terms of cost.
Market Potential / Application
The technology is effective against egg and adult parasites, in particular roundworms and tapeworms. It is an economical and simple but effective composition and an alternative way to reduce the parasitic burden to tolarable level. The plant contains potential constituents as cheap sources of anthelmintics to complement the commercially manufactures parasitic drugs against internal parasitism. The control of parasitic diseases will lead to the stable supply of native chickens and alleviate poverty in the countryside.
Bede P. Ozaraga
Ma. Sylvia I. Ozaraga
Marineth B. Barrios