Field / Industry: Energy
Agency: Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI)
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2008-000231
Status of Application: Expired
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
A charcoaling kiln for with pyroligneous liquor recovery comprising a furnace section and a carbonizing section detachably held therefrom, said furnace section having a furnace with a fire box compartment and a ash collector compartment and a ash collector compartment below said fire box compartment, and a chimney upwardly extending near the rear portion of said furnace, said carbonizing section consists of outer shell an upwardly extending chimney and an inner shell being supported therein by bars of rods, and a smoke collector chimney laterally attached to the rear portion of the inner shell and having a discharge nozzle 39 at its lower portion to define a pyroligneous liquor recovery means.
Problem Addressed:
- Utilization of bamboo for high-end products
- Increases waste utilization value
- Minimizes smoke emissions hazardous to health
Market Potential:
Inventors / Authors:
Belen B. Bisana
Dante B. Pulmano
Amando Allan M. Bondad
Calixto T. Lulo
Eduardo C. Gonong
Geronimo M. Gecolea