Dryer for Non-wood Forest Products and Fibrous Agricultural Raw Materials


Field / Industry: Handicrafts, Gifts, toys and housewares

Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2010-000228

Status of Application: Granted

Brief Description / Features of the Technology:

A dryer for non-wood forest products and fibrous agricultural raw materials comprising of a metal cabinet that is fully welded to a heating system composed of a heat exchanger, metal encased furnace and an exhaust chamber with chimney, said metal cabinet serves as loading area where non-wood forest products and fibrous raw materials are clipped or hanged from drying, said heat exchanger is fully welded to the metal cabinet and dissipates heat from the combustion area of the metal encased furnace directly below the metal cabinet, said metal encased furnace has a combustion area which is a series of grate bars where wood fuel is burned toproduce heat, said grate area is anchored by ordinary bricks bonded with refractory cement, said metal encased furnace has a main door for wood fuel intake and an ash pit area with ash pit door to regulate air intake, hot air produced in the furnace goes through an exhaust chamber that is welded at therear end of the metal cabinet, said exhaust chamber has a chimney where hot air exits to the environment.

Problem Addressed: 

  • To avoid the biodeterioration of non-wood forest products due to high moisture content
  • To provide the handicraft manufacturers with a continuous supply of quality dried raw materials


  • Simple and sturdy design
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Uses locally available materials for fabrication


Wency H. Carmelo;

Ernesto L. Zuñiga;

Calixto T. Lulo;

Teodoro Z. Ebron;

Pablo L. Imatong;