Assignee / Owner: Capiz State University (CapSU)
Field / Industry: Animal Health
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2015-000492
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
The technology relates to an ethnobotanical dewormer composition and effective dosage for the control of worms in native chickens using primarily the powder forms of ipil-ipil (Leuceana leucocephala).
Problem Addressed:
- The prevalence of internal parasitism in native chickens throughout the tropics and elsewhere, are recognized as a major constraint to livestock production (Giothiori, et.al., 2004). Among the different types of helminths, nematodes are the most prevalent and most harmful. They cause retarded growth (Kochapakdee, et. al., 1995), lowered productivity, mortality (FAO, 1974; Sykes, 1994) and high economic losses.
- Internal parasitism can also cause severe diarrhea, and high mortality. Feed and water consumption are depressed resulting to weight loss, development of culls, decreased egg production, and increased mortality (Aiello, 1998).
- In the Philippines, commercial drugs like veterinary anthelmintics, which are used by the poultry raisers every 3 months present a high cost of controlling internal parasitism in native chickens. Also, they are mostly unavailable at the barangay level, as such, reduce the potential of native chicken in Western Visayas. Moreover, the control of said parasites, which relies entirely on commercial dewormers, is being threathened by widespread occurrence of drug resistance.
- This model presents a composition for an ethnobotanical dewormer for native chicken using the powder forms of mature seeds of ipil-ipil (Leucaena lecocephala) as main ingredient.
- This plant contains constituents that serve as cheap sources of anthelmintics against internal parasitism. The formulation can be used for the treatment and control of roundworms, including common large roundworms of chickens.
Market Potential / Application
- The formulation can be used and an alternative to commercial drugs for the treatment and control of worms in chickens.
- The use of ethnobotanicals can reduce the parasitic burden to tolerable level. These plants contain potential constituents as cheap sources of anthelmintics to complement the commercially manufactures parasitic drugs against internal parasitism. The control of parasitic diseases will lead to the stable supply of native chickens and alleviate poverty in the countryside.
Bede P. Ozaraga
Ma. Sylvia I. Ozaraga
Marineth B. Barrios