Field/Industry: Handicrafts
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2012-000380
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the technology:
A low cost handicraft dryer (LCHD) that is externally-driven, forced convection type and manually-operated. The structure is made of concrete hollow blocks (CHB) with heating system composed of the flue pipe inlet, main pipe with chimney and furnace. The furnace is insulated with solid clay bricks, sand and CHB, where the combustion of wood fuel produces hot air that enters the dryer through the flue pipe inlet, connected to a large-diameter main heating pipe and placed below a laod bearer, with a clearance from the main pipe channel to facilitate air circulation. At the end of the main heating pipe is a small-diameter chimney designed to prevent abrupt heat loss. Hot air is dissipated by several propeller fans, cross-shafted to a motor-pulley assembly. The dryer also has inlet and exhaust vents to expel saturated air and accelerate the drying process.
Problem Addressed:
- To provide a more affordable drying facility to SMEs and other institutions.
- To solve the occurrence of molds in finished products.
- Relatively low initial capital investment.
- Easy to operate.
- Uses locally available materials.
- Uses wood wastes and other biomass as energy source.
- Well-designed heating and air circulation systems
Wency H. Carmelo
Teodoro Z. Ebron