Field / Industry: Food Industry, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2016-000403
Status of Application: On – going
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
This machine has the evaporation capacity of 2-3 kg of water converting the 6.5-7.0 liters stream of atomized liquid per hour to dry powder through the 120-180°C high-volume airflow inside the 900 mm diameter by 1800 mm drying chamber. A high pressure burner heats the pre-heated chamber supplying high temperature causing instantaneous evaporation for the liquid per hour. The dry powder is discharged continuously from the drying chamber by a 3HP blower and collected in a cyclone-type dust collector. The LPG Fired Spray Dryer may be best applied to food products such as milk powder, starch, coffee, tea, spices, and flavourings and may be used for pharmaceutical and related industrial products.
Problem Addressed:
Handling, storage and delivery from liquid to powder form
Easy to operate using LPG
Market Potential / Application:
- Food industry
- Pharmaceutical
- Cosmetics
Alvin M. Buison
Jorge Arbie V. Garcia
Jose B. Ferrer
Melchor C. Valdecañas
Oliver C. Evangelista
Robert O. Dizon
Pamela S. Gonzales
Brian U. Rasco
Jesus A. Tanchuco Iii
Fred P. Liza
Elmer C. Magora