Assignee / Owner: Western Mindanao State University (WMSU)
Field / Industry: Fiber board
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2012-000358
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
The technology relates to a medium density fibreboard composition comprising of chicken feather fiber, isocyanate resin and Acacia mangium veneer overlay.
Waste chicken feathers can be used as source of natural fibers suitable for the production of fiberboards. Chicken feather fibers are very resistant to deterioration, has excellent insulating properties, and can be used as a lightweight termite resistant building material.
Problem Addressed:
- With increasing forest destruction and diminishing forest resources, an alternative source of natural fibers suitable for the production of fiberboards is needed.
- Chicken feather fibers (CFF), similar to mill residues and chips, take up significant space in landfills.
The use of these wastes as general feedstocks in fiberboard plants will significantly help in reducing such wastes and helping the environment.
- The technology is a new medium density fiberboard composite panel from waste chicken feathers. Using waste CFF in producing the fiberboard would greatly benefit the poultry industry and add a new source of fiber for the wood industry.
- At present, CFF is very resistant to deterioration and has excellent insulating properties. Because feather fiber is mostly keratin, rather than cellulose, it has a great potential in the production of a ligtweight termite resistant building material. Chicken feather materials can also be considered hygroscopic or tends to absorb moisture from the air. Thus, they can be used as substitute for wood pulp in paper and composite products.
- The logs of Mangium when taken from well-pruned straight trees are easy to process. The conversion of Acacia mangium into veneer and plywood is feasible with no specific processing requirements.
Market Potential / Application:
- The technology offers a fiberboard composition that is comparable if not better than commercial boards.
- The technology also offers a medium density fiberboard composition that can be used in furniture applications (such as counter tops, flooring and kitchen cabinets), interior linings, panelling, insulation, ceilings, and other minor uses.
Hideliza B. Rabajante – Saipudin
Menandro N. Acda