Method of Preservative Treatment of Engineered Bamboo


Field / Industry: Construction, Bamboo-based Industry

Agency: Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) / National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP)

Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2014-000680

Status of Application: Granted

Brief Description / Features of the Technology:

The present UM provides a method of combining the insecticidal properties of deltamethrin and antifungal properties of propiconazole in a combination of preservative treatment solution, and applying this preservative to bamboo materials before processing into E-bamboo products in order to obtain a complete protection of these products against attack from insects and fungi.

The technology provides a method of preservative treatment of engineered bamboo (E-bamboo) materials and products using a combination of deltamethrin and propiconazole in order to provide complete protection against insects and fungi.

Problem Addressed:                      

  • Cost-effective preservative/ treatment process for engineered bamboo
  • Bamboo is susceptible to the attack of insects and fungi. To ensure the durability and high quality of engineered bamboo products such as floor tiles, an effective method to provide complete protection of bamboo based materials against biodegradation should be used.


  • More effective chemical treatment
  • Complete protection of engineered bamboo materials and products from insect and fungi attack
  • The effectiveness of the chemical method as preservative treatment is well established. This is attributed to the toxicity of chemicals and their residual effect on the materials contacted. The volume of solution to be absorbed in a given volume of bamboo strips is derived.

Market Potential / Application:

  • Bamboo industry

Inventors / Authors:                        

Marina A. Alipon

Carlos M. Garcia

Elvina O. Bondad