Modular Water Retort


Field / Industry: Food industry

Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2016-000401

Status of Application: On – going

Brief Description / Features of the Technology:

One of the most important steps in the canning of foods is thermal processing; of which sterilizing by retorting is a common example. The developed water retort is a batch-type pressurized cooking vessel operating at 120°C to 140°C in an enclosed 100L working volume using a vertical-cylinder.This equipment is designed to withstand extreme pressure and temperature by applying compress air and to cool down the process.  Sterilization is achieved through the application of heat to food products—like “suman,” “bibingka,” fruit puree, rice or ready-to-eat meals, milk, etc.—packed in retort pouches, cans or bottle containers. The water retort is also capable of pasteurization.

Problem Addressed:

Food spoilage


Optimize use of LPG as heat source for steaming

Market Potential / Application:

Food preservation


Ulysses B. Ante

Jorge Arbie V. Garcia

Jose B. Ferrer

Franz Joseph D. Libao

Rommel M. Belandres

Brian U. Rasco

Robert O. Dizon

Fred P. Liza

Melchor C. Valdecañas

Oscar T. Magora, Jr.

Lorencito M. Pacatang