Title of Technology: Process for the Preparation of Extruded Ready-to-Fry Frozen Sweet Potato Fries
Field / Industry: Food and Nutrition
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2015-000605
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
The process for the preparation of an extruded ready-to-fry frozen food product comprising sweet potatoes, rice flour and cooking oil involves the following steps:
- Washing unpeeled sweet potatoes
- Steaming the washed sweet potatoes until tender
- Peeling of the skin
- Mashing to desired consistency
- Mixing with other ingredients
- Cold extruding
- Blast greezing at -50°C to 35°C
Problem Addressed:
- Low utilization of Philippine indigenous raw material.
- To reduce importation of ready-to-fry potato fries.
- The use of locally available indigenous raw material can generate more employment and help local farmers.
- Sweet potato provides more nutritional benefits (high in phytochemicals) than the common potato.
Market Potential: Snack food manufacturers
Inventors / Authors:
Wenefrida N. Lainez
Maribeth C. Bautista
Mario C. Cabagbag
Hannah C. Edangan
Milfred Paca-anas
Dionisio Mariano Jr.,
Jonahver O. Tarlit
Alfee B. Capule