Agency: Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI)
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2012-000723
Status of Application: Granted
Field / Industry: Food Industry
Problem Addressed:
- Convenience
- Demand for functional food
- Yacon Juice, is a ready-to –drink beverage made from yacon tubers naturally sweetened and flavored. The juice packed in 250 ml bottles is clear and light brown in color.
- It is high in potassium, fructo-oligosaccharides, phenols and can be marketed as a low-calorie with anti-oxidant ready-to-drink juice.
Market Potential / Application:
Applicable to all consumers
Rosemarie G. Garcia
Ma. Elena G. Fernandez
Dahlia A. Diaz
Honeylet S. Ochangco
Alex M. Palomo