Field / Industry: Biomedical Device
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2016-000114
Status of Application: On – going
UM Title: A Medical Diagnostic Device with Telemedicine Capabilities
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
RxBox is a portable medical diagnostic device capable of measuring several physiologic parameters such as heart rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygenation, maternal urine contraction, ECG, and fetal heart rate, storing these and transmitting these data through both the internet and GSM network to one or several remote specialists or to an electronic health record.
Problem Addressed:
Lack of diagnostic devices and medical specialists in rural health units in geographically-isolated and depressed areas
Portable, capable of monitoring several parameters, with telemedicine capabilities, with built-in electronic medical record
Market Potential:
Aside from rural health units, this can also be used in hospitals or private clinics who want to incorporate telemedicine in their system
Portia Grace Marcelo
Luis Sison