Title of Technology: Thermally Processed Coconut Cream-Based Dish
Field / Industry: Food and Nutrition
Patent Number / Registration Number: 2-2015-000781
Status of Application: Granted
Brief Description / Features of the Technology:
It comes as a thermally processed coconut cream based dish that is ready to eat, comprised of taro (gabi) leaves and stalks slowly cooked in coconut cream and seasoned with ginger, garlic, shrimp paste and chill.
Problem Addressed:
- Convenience
- Demand for Ethnic Food Abroad
- Good as food relief during calamities.
- Culturally acceptable.
- Commercially sterile wherein taste and nutrients are maintained.
Market Potential:
- Export Market
- Canning Industry
Inventors / Authors:
Wenefrida N. Lainez
Joyce R. Tobias
Mario C. Cabagbag
Rex B. Castante