A. Direct Licensing
1) Proposed transaction;
2) Valuation report or any relevant documents to determine the value of the technology;
3) For Licensor: Due diligence report (i.e., FTO, IP documents if applicable)
4) For Licensee: Any document that will prove its existence and financial capability; and
5) List of potential recommendees for FOB membership.
B. Spin-Off
1) Proposed transaction;
2) Valuation report or any relevant documents to determine the value of the technology;
3) For Licensor: Due diligence report (i.e., FTO, IP documents if applicable)
4) For Licensee: Any document that will prove its existence and financial capability;
5) Proposed Business Plan;
6) Draft Articles of Incorporation; and
7) List of potential recommendees for FOB membership.
Note: Additional list of requirements to be submitted in requesting a fast-tracked issuance of FOR is indicated in the standardized guidelines per industry.